Urban Upbound
Urban Upbound is a non-profit organization providing residents of public housing neighborhoods the tools and resources needed to achieve economic mobility and self-sufficiency, and to break cycles of poverty. Urban Upbound advances its mission through five integrated programs: employment services, financial counseling, youth development/college access, the Urban Upbound Federal Credit Union, and community revitalization services. Read more...
Men's Ministry
The Brotherhood Men's Ministry at COHI is committed to uniting men to other men and fathers to sons from all walks of life with one ultimate purpose. That purpose being the construction of Godly men who are whole and complete, able to stand and take their rightful place in their homes, in their ministry and in their communities; men who are committed to serve Christ in every facet of their lives. This goal is being brought to fruition via initiatives, events and activities designed for men of all ages. The Brotherhood is truly committed to and will continue to place great emphasis on "Helping Others Prosper Eternally."
Women's Ministry
The Women's Department of the Center of Hope International has been in existence since 1991. Our promise is to meet the needs of every woman spiritually as well as naturally. The Women's Auxiliary meets regularly and various topics are discussed. Our goal as an auxiliary is to meet and minister to women from all walks of life at the point of their needs.
Youth Ministry
To meet the challenging needs that our youth face, we have designed a unique network to help them develop and maintain a productive relationship with Jesus Christ. Along with the Children's Choir Parents Association we can give our young people the outlet to activities that we bring long-term success.
COHI Bread of Life Food Pantry
The Bread of Life Food Pantry is a community based pantry serving residents of Queensbridge, Ravenswood, and Astoria Houses. Read More...
Missions & Evangelists
To minister to the whole man, body, soul and spirit. To preach the gospel and teach man: first in the family, to neighbors, the communities, then throughout the world. To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned. Praying always for the body of Christ and the pastors, for all missionaries and evangelists, home and abroad; and to pray for all those outside of the church that they will come to Christ.