12-11 40th Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101
(718) 784-4673
Bishop Moses Taylor, Founder
Minister Chhanda Sutton-Bax, Dean of Christian Education

Registration Dates – Sundays – After 11 am Service
Registration Fees – Regular Registration – $20.00
Late Registration – $25.00 (1st day of classes)
First Day of Classes – Week of February 2nd
Last Day of Classes - Week of March 30th
Course Descriptions – Winter Semester 2025
Bible Doctrine 1: A foundational study of the early converts “continued steadfastly in the apostles’
doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers” (Acts 2:42) and that every believer
should know who he believes, what he believes and why he believes it.
- Textbook: Foundations of Christian Doctrine, Kevin J. Conner–ISBN #: 978-0-9149-3638-1
- Instructor: Elder Chhanda Sutton-Bax
The Discipleship: Being a disciple of Jesus Christ and making disciples.
- Textbook: The Master Plan of Discipleship, Robert E Coleman – ISBN #: 978-0800739133
- Instructor: Pastor Hassan Clark
The Tabernacle of David: The picture in the Old Testament which foreshadowed the worship based
on faith and grace…. God in these last days has spoken to us in the person of His son (Heb.1:2)
- Textbook: The Tabernacle of David, Kevin J. Conner – ISBN # 978-0914936947
- Instructor: Pastor Barbara Taylor
*Church History: Study of the six general church periods (Apostolic, Persecuted, Imperial,
Medieval, Reformed and Modern) from the ascension of Christ (30 AD) to the 20th century (1970 AD).
- Textbook: TBD
- Instructor: Pastor Tyrone Freeman
*This class will take place in person.
*The Bible is the main book for all classes*